Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns

I have to confess that I have never been a fan of hot cross buns. When my family would eat them on Good Friday I would always pass. I just didn't like the taste of them but maybe that was because they were full of gluten.

Perhaps I would like them if they were gluten-free? 

So with Good Friday upon us tomorrow I have found a few gluten-free (GF) hot cross bun recipes.  The first one is from Coles. An alternative is this gluten-free and dairy free recipe. Fellow coeliac blogger, Adventurous Me, Gluten-Free offers another recipe as does Springhill Farm.

If I get lazy I might take the easy option and buy some Simple Wize ones sold at Coles. Alternatively Silly Yaks also has traditional and fruit-free hot cross buns, which you can order online, and Lifestyle Bakery sells its GF, HC buns at outlets across Australia.

Have a happy gluten-free Easter.


  1. Thanks for the mention :) Have a wonderful Easter

  2. You too Petra. Have just been down the shops and all the gluten-free hot cross buns have sold out so I might have to try the recipe on your blog. PS - your new blog looks great!

  3. Thanks :) How was your Easter? Did you end up making the Hot Cross Buns?
